Friday 10 February 2017

Angels vs Devils

Spiritually angels are believed to be messangers of god. Angels are described as endowed with wisdom and knowledge of earthy events . Angels serve as mediators between heaven and earth. People believe that angels are guardian spirits. According to Christianity the word Angel refers to an inspiration from God. Angels are believed to possess goodness, intelligence, beauty, purity and selflessness. Angels are the connections between spiritual missions. According to paintings artists depict angels as human beings of extraordinary beauty they are identified using bind wings, halos and light.

On the basis of Christian belief devil/Satan is identified as the serpent who tempted Eve to eat the forbidden from the tree of wisdom. Devil is known to terrorise the world through evil. It is basically said that the devil resides in the hell and souls who have sinned are said to follow eternal fire at last judgement. Islam identifies the devil as people who oppose their God Allah. Although devil is generally viewed as having  negative characteristics, some groups have very different beliefs. There are some groups who worship the devil. Within Satanism, two major trends exists. Theistic Satanism also referred to as "devil worship" and Atheistic Satanism which holds that Satan doesn't exist as a literal anthropomorphic entity but rather as a symbol of a cosmos which Satanists perceive to be permeated and motivated by a force that has been given many names by humans. Devils were once angels who got into the wrong lane. And therefore they are known as fallen angels.

Study says that the human brain has a devil and an Angel part of the brain which is on a constant battle with each other. It is also believed that in most of the cases the Angel defeats the satanic powers.

Yola Brito Carvalho

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