Saturday 11 February 2017


A séance is a form of mediumship in which one or more people communicate with entities on another frequency. We generally refer to them as spirits who will bring their messages in many interesting ways. Though many people in the past did not believe in receiving messages in this way, today many mediums of communication is possible, though not necessarily seated around a table as is the case with the traditional séance.
The word Séance comes from French seance, 'seat', 'session', from Old French seoir, 'to sit.' In French as in English the word came to be used specifically for a meeting of people to receive spiritualistic messages (a sense first recorded in English in 1845), but earlier in French and English the word had been used for meetings more generally.
Spiritualism, talking to spirits, often gets a bad 'Rap'. As a medium it can be said that spirits can be kind and loving and help heal issues of separation and lost loves. In the polarity of our reality, you have the good and the bad, the positive and the negative, the functional and the dysfunctional, even with spirits.
The history of séance communication can be traced back to the third century. Often a séance was connect to occult practices bringing fear to those who attended or heard about them. To many people, the concepts of spirits on the other side who wished to communicate seemed impossible often linked to Black Ceremonial Rituals and Magic and of course the Trickster. This comes from Fear of the Unknown. Fear is part of human experiment, its polarity is love. As a soul group we are often ruled by our issues and fears.
The séances in the 19th century tended to be filled with theatrics. These séances usually took place in darkened parlours with a round table that sometimes moved.
A séance generally involves communication between the physical realms and one or more entities in other dimensions. It is also called Mediumship. A Medium is the person who contacts 'the other side.'
We live in an age when many people are connecting with those on the other side through a psychic medium, on their own, or in dream time. The séance does not have to be negative, scary or spooky.
You really don't have to do 'spooky stuff' to communicate with spirits. They are around us all the time and are generally ready to communicate if someone in third dimension is able to tap into their frequency.
A group of people mentally calling to spirits will create a stronger energy field than one person. That is why people often feel that group energy is needed, a séance.
An experienced medium should be part of the group to understand the symbols and messages given by Spirits. If a medium is not present, one person should lead the group
How A Séance is performed?

Find a place that is quiet and comfortable for all of those attending.
Lights may be adjusted for ambiance, or normal room lighting used.
Fresh flowers sometimes attract spirits, especially white roses.
It is best to be seated either around a table or in a circle on the floor.
Candles can be used as spirits attract to the Light.
The number of people is not important but it is best to have a friend or relative of the person you wish to contact present.
You may use video or audio equipment at your discretion, but bear in mind the high frequencies from Spirits may cause the equipment to shut off or sound like static.
You might even try a few still photos. Some people use infra-red film and get very interesting images.
Room temperature or ventilation is also at your discretion. Some spirits make the room temperature cooler, while others have the opposite effect.
Be sure that telephones and cell phones are shut off.
Many people prefer night time for séances as it add to the ambiance. Rest assured, a spirit who wishes to speak does not care what time of the day it is as they do not live in linear time. There is not time in their reality.
Decide where everyone is to sit. Some groups like to sit, male, female, male, female, etc.
You can join hands in a group to raise energy or just sit quietly. Holding hands can get annoying after a while if the séance goes on too long.
Spirits are not affected by hand joining. Somewhere the notion that holding hands increasing the communications, not true.
A prayer may be offered before you begin asking for protection and for only the positive spirits to join your group. Some people pray to God others ask their own spirits guides or deceased loved ones for guidance and protection.
People may take a deep breath with their closed as in meditation if they also wish to connect with the spirits. The medium is not the only person who can hear them. Anyone who is not afraid will be able to relax and have their own experience as well. The deep breath is to raise your level of consciousness to alpha state. You may take another slow deep breath again at any time through the séance.
The medium may or may not need to close his / her eyes to contact the spirits. The spirit you are contacting will already know about the séance and should be there when you start. If not--they are probably not coming.


As the medium begins to call spirit you may experience physical things in the room: noises, cool air blowing, a tickling sense of touch, smells of perfume, cigars, cooking odours, the table lifts a bit (that could also be caused by telekinetic energies from the people seated at the table).
The medium must first determine who the spirit is and who they came to talk to.
Messages are then passed along followed by questions by the person connected to the spirit. As with all channelling, only ask the question once, not repeated until you get the desired answer you seek.
Each person at the table should get to speak to at least one spirit.
Sometimes spirits may come that you did not expect. Chat quickly with them, thank them, and tell them to move on.
Some spirits chat a lot but some just say one or two things then leave. Some answer questions while others just bring messages.
Most spirits want their loved ones here to know they are okay on the other side or to clear up unfinished business.
Some come to talk about their deaths, especially with murders or suicides.
Some come for personal issues then continue on to tell me more about the changes occurring in the universe.
This question remains what I do if the entities are negative and say things like "Die!" Stop immediately. If you cannot get rid of the spirit after a few minutes, and it probably won't leave, stop the séance for that session. Someone has attracted that spirit for the adventure of it all. Dysfunctional people will attract dysfunctional spirits, for the drama of it. Be sure you know who is in your group, especially if you are a beginner.
Sometimes a person can become hypnotized during a séance and fall into a trance or deep sleep. This also occurs during group meditations. Just allow the person time to wake-up slowly after the séance is over. They should have a message to report to the group.
Spirits do not necessarily leave after the séance. Many stay around. They can stay and return in your dream time or in your home with additional messages, experienced as ghosts.

 Reyhan Mesquita

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