Saturday 11 February 2017



In India, there are a lot of haunted places, where for a ghostly reason number of road accidents occurs. Road of Baytakhol which is between Dhavali and Bori, is one of them. It has a long reputation for hunting . it has witnessed many accidents and paranormal activities for a long time and still continues to witness .A ghost of an infant has been often seen around this area. Many years ago people started to face spooky incidents like ghastly screams from the darkness, sudden crossing of the paranormal lady in front of their vehicles, their blood chilling laugh etc. According to some people, they have seen a girl standing in the middle of the road who screams loud. Eerie sounds are often heard . If anybody tries to lookback, they find nothing but an empty road. This causes the driver to swerve and lose control of the vehicle. A surprisingly large number of accidents have occurred on this road, and many-a-person claim to have seen the same woman.

Janeska Coutinho

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