Saturday 11 February 2017


Kuldhara - The Ghost Village in Rajasthan

The charisma of the ghost villages is very different from that of the ruined fortresses. The ghost villages give us a chance to look closely into the lives of the people who once resided there. Rajasthan has no scarcity of such villages. Two of the most famous ghost villages is Bhangarh and Kuldhara, probably because of the folklore associated with them. Almost 18 kilometers from the beautiful city of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, Kuldhara Village is most conspicuous for being deserted by all the villagers in just a single night.

Kuldhara is a lonesome place with a deserted look that brings grieve to one’s mind when one thinks about the doomed fate of hundreds of villagers who were compelled to leave their ancestral land. It is not only the stories that make Kuldhara spooky but also the place itself. Series upon series of mud houses with ruined walls and no roofs, standing tall like the skeletons of an unfortunate past. From the date it has been deserted, the village remains barren, lying same like the villagers had left it centuries ago! It is believed that people who try to stay in the area during the night-time, experience strange paranormal activities.

The story of this village dates back to the 1800s, when it was a prosperous village of the Paliwal Brahmins. According to the popular folklore, the villagers were supposed to pay the taxes levied on them to the minister of the state, Salim Singh. While visiting Kuldhara, Salim Singh’s eyes fell upon the chief’s beautiful daughter and he expressed his desire to marry her. He threatened the Kuldhara villagers that if they refused to give him the girl, he would levy exaggerated taxes on them. Instead of marrying his daughter to the minister, the chief of the village along with those of 84 adjoining villages decided to leave behind Kuldhara and migrate to some other place. No one saw the villagers leave nor did anyone know where they all went. But how could so many villagers vanish in a single night? This still remains a mystery!

Another probable reason can be the huge amount of taxes levied on the villagers by Salim Singh. The taxes became heavy-handed to the extent that the villagers decided to migrate to some other place.

Analee D'Souza

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