Saturday 11 February 2017

The haunted banyan tree

The haunted banyan tree

One of the most famous cases of a haunted, cursed tree comes        from loutolim, where there lies a solitary, gnarled banyan tree that has become one of the most dangerous and dark curse to any living.. The tree in question lies within a secluded, undeveloped field. The tree certainly lends itself to spooky  stories; standing alone in an abandoned field with ancient,twisted,dead branches extending out into the sky like skeletal hands, it has rightfully  earned its nickname “The Devil’s Tree.”

It is said that the curse started with a farmer that slaughtered his family and then went to that tree to hang himself after committing his dark deed. From there, the legends surrounding this   creepy tree took off, with various suicides and murders attributed to it over the years. The area           was also known for hanging of theives and those who did any wrong to
the oak tree is believed to be strong because of the deep down buried                      bones in the field that never gives fruit.

The main rumor surrounding the tree is that anyone who disrespects or defiles it in any way is bound to meet certain bodily harm and misfortune. According to the stories, one of the most
offending manners in which one can defile the tree is to urinate on it, and anyone who does so
is said to be beset by great misfortune, usually in the form of a traffic accident or freak accident of some sort. The tree has also proved to be a bad-luck to any farmer who tries to grow or even step closer to this tree.


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